SABF Launches Book Club Series

  • November 15, 2016
SABF Launches Book Club Series - San Antonio Book Festival

UPDATE: Due to high demand for this book club series, the Book Festival will be focusing on partnerships with groups that otherwise might not have access to a book club. Please remember that the Book Festival is a program of the Library Foundation, whose mission is to strengthen the San Antonio library system. We encourage you to work with the existing book clubs at your local library to meet your book club goals.

This month the San Antonio Book Festival will launch a book club series aimed at engaging with more readers across the city. By partnering with local nonprofits throughout San Antonio, the Book Festival hopes to spread the joy of reading with audiences of all ages while drawing attention to local authors. The Book Festival will also host its own book clubs; in fact, the inaugural book club read Jan Jarboe Russell’s The Train to Crystal City.

ransom-islandThe book club series has partnered with Good Samaritan Community Services for an event at the end of November. Seniors at Good Samaritan will read Ransom Island by Miles Arceneaux. Arceneaux is actually a trio of Texas-based writers: Brent Douglass, James R. Dennis, and John T. Davis. Dennis has generously donated copies of the book for the book club members to read and will be on hand for the book club’s gathering to answer any questions.

A book club partnership with the Girl Scouts is also in the works. If your organization is interested in being a part of the Book Festival’s book club series, please contact Shannon Stephens, Community Engagement Director. 

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